How to configure Digger to run on GitLab Pipelines

  • AWS Lambda function needs to be configured first

  • GitLab webhook should be configured pointing to lambda’s public url

Configuring and Deploying AWS Lambda: Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Fork and clone this repo:

  2. If necessary, update the serverless.yml file in the cloned repository. This file contains configuration settings for the Lambda function and can be customized to suit your requirements.

  3. Save the GITLAB_TOKENto the SSM (Systems Manager) parameter store. You can choose any path for storing the token, but ensure that the serverless.yml file is updated accordingly if you deviate from the default path. For example, save the GITLAB_TOKENto ssm:/gitlab-dev-webhook-handler/dev/GITLAB_TOKEN.

  4. Do the same for SECRET_TOKEN, update serverless.yml if needed and save token value to ssm parameter (for example ssm:/gitlab-dev-webhook-handler/dev/SECRET_TOKEN)

  5. Make sure that your AWS credentials are properly configured in the command-line interface (CLI). This ensures that you have the necessary permissions to deploy the Lambda function.

  6. Run the command npm run build in the root directory of the cloned repository. This command will build the necessary artifacts for the Lambda function.

  7. Finally, run the command npm run deploy in the same root directory. This will initiate the deployment process for the Lambda function using the configuration specified in the serverless.yml file.

Configure GitLab webhook

To configure the GitLab webhook, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the repository’s Settings and select WebHooks.

  2. Copy the public URL of the Lambda function and paste it into the URL textbox.

  3. Specify a Secret token for secure communication.

  4. Tick the checkboxes for ‘Comments’ and ‘Merge Request events’ to enable the desired events.

  5. Finally, click the ‘Add webhook’ button to save the configuration.